
China Architecture: Carrying the dream of a big country brand.

Peshawar, Pakistan - Lahore highway line (financing), brunei light bloomberg bridge, Congo (cloth) national highway a great mosque, Algeria, the Alexander Hamilton bridge, the Bahamas island resort, etc., these make people all over the world proud landmark is a masterpiece of Chinese architecture. In addition, 90% of China's super tall buildings over 300 meters, three quarters of the key airports, three quarters of the satellite launch bases, one half of the nuclear power plants, one third of the urban comprehensive pipeline corridors and other key domestic projects of "high, difficult, urgent, dangerous and heavy" are also built by Chinese construction companies. 

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With its own brand image, China Architecture wins trust, honor, bigger market and broader space for Chinese brand and even Chinese image. Chinese architects all over the world are making their brand dream into a national name card and carrying the national brand dream. The brand story of "China Architecture" is not only the experience of a large global investment and construction enterprise, but also the footnote of The Times. 

Brand is the name card of a country

Brand is the name card of a country and an important embodiment of its soft power. The shaping of international famous brands can often produce huge example power, enhance national pride and confidence, lead global resource allocation and market development, and enhance the country's voice in the global economic system. 

The soul of a brand

China Architecture deeply understands that the culture and brand of an enterprise are symbiotic and mutually external and internal. To become internationally competitive investment construction group, depending on the Chinese architectural culture as important to speed up the pace of the construction of the brand, high starting point, high standard design brand work system and work plan, focus on the system of brand building, brand influence and culture exchange, brand promotion and cultural propaganda and other key issues.

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With the unprecedented transformation from planned economy to market economy in China, Chinese architecture has made innovations in inheritance and made breakthroughs in competition. Brand and cultural construction has also experienced a process from spontaneous to conscious, from crossing the river by feeling for stones to top-level design. 

Post time: Jul-26-2022